rheroicons - A Zero Dependency 'SVG' Icon Library for 'Shiny'
An implementation of the 'Heroicons' icon library for 'shiny' applications and other 'R' web-based projects. You can search, render, and customize icons without 'CSS' or 'JavaScript' dependencies.
Last updated 2 years ago
11 stars 2.74 score 33 dependenciesbrowsertools - Running Specific JavaScript functions from R
This package provides a series of js handlers for use in shiny applications.
Last updated 4 years ago
6 stars 2.48 score 32 dependenciesrdConvert - Convert Rd files to Markdown files loaded with YAML
As R6 class for converting Rd files to markdown with YAML headers. This may be useful if you wish to use package documentation in static site generators outside of the R ecosystem (e.g., React, Vue, Svelte, Gatsby, etc.). By default, Rd files are rendered into their own directory with an independent `index.md` file. The Rd name is parsed and set as the child directory name.
Last updated 4 years ago
3 stars 2.18 score 104 dependenciespkgbump - Increment version numbers in package files
Increment package version numbers in the R Description file, package.json, and any use_* files located in the R directory. The primary function `update_pkg_version` is currently suited for Shiny package development, but will be updated in the future.
Last updated 3 years ago
2 stars 2.00 score 9 dependencies